Night Time Photography

On Thursday I stayed up late to try my hand a shooting some night shots. In particular, I was interested in trying to capture Star Trails, an effect that I had seen on the Internet.

The awesome effect is created by leaving the shutter open for a long period from a few minutes to a few hours capturing the movement of the stars as they travel across the night sky. An excellent example is this shot created by Josch Hambsch.

After attempting for a while and not succeeding, I decided that there was too much light from the moon so I would have to wait for a moonless night.

Instead I turned my attention to the moon (that little attention seeker) and got these two shots that I'm pretty happy with.

Not a wasted night after all :)

Torta Mil Hoja - Nom nom nom!

Torta Mil Hoja
Originally uploaded by

For my birthday last week my girlfriend Susan surprised me with a Torta Mil Hoja (Cake of a thousand sheets).

The Torta Mil Hoja consists of 20 or so individually bake sheets with thick Manjar filling (caramel made from boiled cans of condensed milk) between each sheet, then topped with coconut.

This delicious treat not only brings back fond memories of childhood, it also provides the sheer enjoyment of its sweet flavour and when  I say sweet, I mean sweet.This cake is not for the faint hearted, you MUST have a sweet tooth because in Chile, we don't believe that anything can be "too sweet".

Hi World

Welcome to my blog,

I thought it was only fitting to start my blog with a bit of humour in the form of a fart joke or a fart photo rather.

I stumbled across this little gem whilst browsing flickr (yes, i searched for the term fart).

Fart jokes aside, this really is a great shot. Not only is it hilarious but ridiculously complicated to pull off. Can you imagine how many outtakes they would have had to get this right! Anyway if you're interested in seeing some outtakes and other great shots head on over to TeeRish's Flickr page.