Let Sleeping Dogs Lie


I've been spending a few weeks at home and have had some great quality time with our kids (they're of the four legged variety). Over the last few weeks our pups have become really big sooks, probably from a mixture of extra time with me and the weather.

Bella and her ropeOur Pups, Mustard and Bella, have a careless life of which i'm envious. Their days are occupied mostly by sleep with small interruptions of hyper activity and hunger.  The past few weeks has made me realise how structured their days are.

The morning is spent buzzing around the dinner table begging for scraps (Mustard more than Bella), then it's off for a nap (who could blame them, they've only slept 8 hours) until lunch time. Lunch is spent in much the same way that breakfast was and then back to sleep. Finally they wake up around four (the time of day when i'm feeling less energetic) and want to play and rough-house. The day is finally finished with dinner and sleep; it's a hard life.

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